Friday, September 27, 2013

In today's post I want to cover encryption and decryption of data we have talked about in the previous posts. For example, we wanted to generate an OAuth token based on information about the user and the client. So we wanted to do something like
Encrypt(UserID  + ClientID) = Token 
where UserID is a large integer and and Client ID is a regular integer. The original text can therefore be 16 and 8 characters in length which gives us 24 characters. We used fixed length for both UserID and ClientID and pad left. If we want to keep the size of the encrypted text to be the same as the original string, we could choose AES stream encryption. If we were to use stronger algorithms the size would likely bloat. And when you hex or base64 encode, the text could double in size.
In the database, there is an easy way to encrypt and decrypt the string using the ENCRYPTBYKEY (key_GUID)

   ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'adasdefjasdsad7fafd98s0'
   WITH SUBJECT = 'OAuth tokens for user and client',
   EXPIRY_DATE = '20201212';


SET Token = EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('Token_Key_01'),
             Convert(Varchar(16), UserID) + Convert(Varchar(8), ClientID));

I want to mention the choice of the encryption algorithms. This could be AES, DES, 3DES, SHA1 etc. The encryption could be both block based and stream based.
For our purposes, we want to keep the size of the tokens to be a reasonable length. Since access tokens are likely passed around in the URI as query parameter, this should not be very long.
Moreover, the decryption should also work for quick and reasonable check on the tokens.
This way the storage of the tokens can be separated from the validation of user and client against a token. The storage of the token comes useful for auditing etc. The data is always pushed by the token granting endpoint/ There is no pull required from the database if the API implementations can merely decrypt the token.

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