Monday, September 9, 2013

OData and TFS

TFS has a client object model. These are available via the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Common and Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client libraries for programmatic access. Using this library a query can be executed by instantiating the query class which takes the store and the WIQL as parameters.
The store can be found as follows:
1) Instantiate the TfsTeamProjectCollection with the Uri for the TFSServer, something like : http://server:port/tfs/web
2) get the work item store from 1) with GetService method
3) get the project from the work item store using the workItemStore.Projects["API"]
The query class represents a query to the work item store. An executed query returns a WorkItemCollection. These and other objects can be browsed from the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.dll  which is available from \Program Files\ Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ReferenceAssemblies\v2.0  on computers where TeamExplorer is installed.
Authenticated credentials may need to be used with the Team Foundation Server. ICredentials  object can be created to connect to the server. The password is required to create this object. The team foundation server also provides IdentityDescriptors for impersonation which means that you need not use the username and passwords.
Both the Uri and the ICredentials can be passed to the constructor of the TFSConfigurationServer object. The constructor also allows for mixed mode authentication where the credential used to connect to the team foundation identity where authentication and impersonation are both allowed.
Once the TFSConfigurationServer object is constructed, we can drill down to the objects we are interested in using the object model hierarchy or using search queries.
Queries can be executed by navigating to the QueryFolder for a QueryDefinition.
So code looks like the following:
var root = TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(uri, iCredentials);
var projectCollection = server.GetTeamProjectCollection(NameOrGuid);
var store = projectCollection.GetService<WorkItemStore>();
var  teamProject = store.Projects["your_project_name"];
Assert(teamProject != null);
var queryResults = store.Query("your_WIQL_here");
var folder = teamProject.QueryHierarchy as QueryFolder;
foreach(var queryItem in folder)
// iterate
There is another way to get this data.
OData exposes a way to work with this data over the web. It is accessible from any device or application that supports HTTP requests. Think of OData as a web catalog browser of the client object model. For example, if you could enumerate some work item types with the client object model, then you can view them in a browser with OData. Scripts and programs can now work off of http requests.

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