Tuesday, September 17, 2013

OAuth bearer tokens practice

OAuth bearer tokens may currently be passed in the URL but the RFC seems to clearly call out that this should not be done. Therefore, checks and other mechanisms to safeguard these tokens should be in place. As an example, this parameter could be passed into the request body. or the authorization server may handle client validations. More is based on implementation.
In general, if the server and the clients communicate via TLS and they have verified the certificate chain, then there is little chance of token falling in wrong hands. The URL logging or https proxy are still vulnerabilities but the man in the middle attack is less of an issue if the client and the server exchange session id and keep track of each other's session id. As an API implementation, session Id's are largely site or application based and not the APIs concern but its good to validate based on session id if such is available.
Sessions are unique to the application. Even the client uses refresh tokens or re-authorizations to keep the session alive. At the API level, if the sessions were kept track of, it would not be tied to the OAuth revokes and re-authorizations, hence relying on session id alone is not preferable. At the same time, using session id as an additional parameter to confirm along with each authorization helps tighten security. It is safe to assume the same session prevalance until the next authorization or an explicit revoke.  By tying the checks exclusively to the token, we keep this streamlined to the protocol.
OAuth can be improved upon but it certainly enables redirections that make it easier for the user. In addition, the use of expiry dated tokens enable clients to reduce the chat with the authorization server.
In addition, many applications can now redirect to each other for same user authorizations. So the user has to sign in far lesser than before. If the user is signed in to a few sites, he can use the existing signed in status to gain access to other sites. This is not just a mere convenience to the user, it enables same user to float between sites and also enables applications to integrate and share user profile information for a richer user experience. 

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