Tuesday, September 10, 2013

In today's post we want to cover the TFS client model library in detail. We will describe the hierarchy. The TeamProjectCollection is the root objectand we can instantiate a WorkItemStore with this root object. A WorkItemStore has a collection of projects. WE can look up the project we want by the name. When we find the project by name using the Projects propery of WorkItemStore, the corresponding Project object is returned. This Project item has a set of properties we are interested in. The project has AreaRootNodes that gets the collection of area root nodes. Recall that Area nodes can have path qualifiers so these are tree nodes. The next property is the Categories property and this gets us all the collection of work item type categories that belong to this project.
Take for example, the QueryHierarchy property. This is a replacement to the obsolete StoredQueries type and lets you get all the query items whether they are query folders or query definitions. Note that the query definition files are viewable only. This is there is a property called QueryText that gives you the text of the WIQL stored in these files but no way of executing that wIQL. You can then use this text to instantiate a Query object and invoke the RunLinkQuery. You need both the WorkItemStore and the WIQL to instantiate the Query object.  Thus given a URI to the TFS server, we have programmatically traversed the object model to find the query and execute it. Whenever you make or change the QueryItems in this tree, you can simply save the QueryHierarchy. This will save any changes anywhere in the tree. If you were to look for an item in this tree, you may have to implement a recursive search method that enumerates the contents of the current QueryFolder. However if you have a GUID you can use the find method to retrieve that specific item.There is a FindNodeInSubTree method that can do this recursion and it accepts a lookup based on a specified ID or a path. In most cases, this works well because with TFS workitems when we create, update or delete them in visual Studio, we can get their GUIDs by using copy full path or retrieving the GUID by a previous client object model call. There is a mention for a hash of all names of the items that can be looked via a Item property on the treenode but it doesn't seem to be available with VS2010.
TFS also provides a set of services that can be individually called for access to the resources they represent. You can get a reference to any service using the GetService method and it can take the type of the service you want to use as a parameter. 

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