Friday, April 11, 2014

In today's post we continue our discussion a Fiddler like application with a modular input to Splunk. One of the things we have to consider is that on production machines the type of network traffic may be very different from a desktop.  So the first thing one has to do is to determine the use cases. There is more inbound traffic on a pproduction system than there I'd outbound. While there is a lot of information to gather on inbound traffic such services already being outsourced to third party proxy providers. What this app does is it gives a monitoring toil in the hands of the individual users or administrators that the cab rub on desktop. Note that even the light weight forwarder is only deployed to a handful of machines for each instance if an Enterprise class Splunk server. What we are talking about can scale to several thousands with one instance on each machine  and at the same time be ubiquitous as in they can be on mobile devices as well.
Furthermore, we could argue that packet capture tools can be turned on by admins on all desktops and these could be logged onto a common location from which Splunk can read and populate the events. In practice, seldom do we enable such applications by default without user opt in on grounds of privacy and security even for employees of an organization. Besides it leads to more maintenance overhead with very little benefit for governance or security. Its more common on the other hand to selective control the intranet and internet zones, proxies etc across the organization and not go after individual computers with the exception of software updates and publishing. That said, a central log appending from multiple sources is also not common for the sake that it introduces a central point of failure, and possibly slower responsiveness on the individual users computer. That is why its better to separate this overall workflow into two separate workflows - one for pushing an app onto the individual users computer through software updates and push mechanism - and another to collect the events / log gathered by this app onto a common file or database index. The former is where our app or Fiddler will come in useful. The latter is what Splunk is very good at with its own collect and index mechanism. Our app goes an extra step over Fiddler in that it collects the packet captures and forwards to Splunk. This way we have absolutely no problems in utilizing the best of both for the number of individual user computers in an organization.

We will now look at what all things a proxy does. We will try to see not only the relay behavior but also the filtering it can do. Proxies support promiscuous mode listening. In our case we have a transparent proxy that does not modify the requests or responses. Proxies can also be forward or reverse. A  forward proxy helps with anonymity in that it retrieves resources from the web on behalf of the users behind the proxy. A reverse proxy is one that secures the resources of the corporate from outside access This comes in helpful to maintain quarantine lists to stage access to the protected resources. Network address translation is a useful concept in this regard. Its also referred to as fencing when used with virtual machines. A reverse proxy can do several things such as load-balancing, authentication, decryption or caching. By treating the proxy as another server, the clients don't know which server processed the request. The reverse proxy can distribute the load to several servers which means the configuration is not just a fail over but a load balancing one.
SSL acceleration is another option where this proxy enables hardware acceleration and a central place for SSL connectivity for clients.
The proxy can also choose to serve/cache static content and facilitate compression or to communicate to the firewall server since the rules on the firewall server could now be simplified.

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