Wednesday, April 16, 2014

We now look at the compiler/optimizer in TcpDump. It initially introduced two layers of logic
- a lower layer that would handle predicates with multiple values
- an upper layer that would handle the combinations of the lower layer expressions.
The lower layer sees it as  key value pairs or an atomic predicate. For example, it sees it as ip host x or y. It could also see the predicate tcp port 80 or 1024.
The upper layer sees it as ip host x or y and (tcp port 80 or 1024)
But  this was not working. It tried to introduce paranthesis for grouping but this was still harder on the user.
The solution instead was to have a single level of logic. i.e. the predicate or values can both be part of the expression. The expression could be either predicate or val or both.
This made the grammar easy but it made code generation tricky.
BPF parser maintained a stack of symbol, field and code.
The expression was a predicate or an expression operator a predicate or a unary expression.
The predicate was the field value.
The code generation now takes the field value and updates its stack as it goes deeper through the expression evaluation. At each step it generates the corresponding code.
To evaluate an expression " ip src host x or y and tcp dst port z "
it would push ip one level down into the stack, followed by src followed by host.
when it comes to the value x, it would push protocol selector as field followed by a wrapper for the value. These two would be popped and pushed with a predicate, field and code value
Since we have an  'or' that would get pushed on top of this existing expression followed by a wrapper for the value y.
These three levels would then be replaced by a predicate, field and value corresponding to the protocol selector with a different value.
Having parsed the expression to ip address and its values, we now push and onto the stack and parse the 'tcp dst port z' similarly.
Finally we have pushed the following items on the stack, 1) expr as sym, ISH as fld and C2 as code followed by 2) AND as sym followed by 3) field as sym and TDP as fld and lastly 4) val(z) as sym

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