Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Today we will refine the solution to the scalable queue alert design. If we take the approach that we want to subscribe to the events generated by the queue processor, then we must connect the events to the delegate. The event handling mechanism works by subscribing to the events with the Observer design pattern. The observers to the events provide a callback called Notify() and the subject for the observers has a method call NotifyObservers() that calls different notify on all the observers. Delegates are these callbacks. When the queue processor finds an event to raise at any point during its execution, the subscribers to the event know that the state changed because the raise method notifies all the subscribers registered.This is a behavior or interface that the events implement.
The events are not hierarchical. They are discrete. The events are encapsulated in the queues so that they are raised when the state of the queue or the message changes.
The delegates at this level of handling can then invoke the user level delegates that are registered for certain events. Events are generic but the queues that they belong to are specific. When the user specifies a filter, it may apply to one or more queues. Delegates may need to be added to all these queues. If the mapping between delegates and queues may not be clear from the filter such as when the filter is based on a  message attribute, it is added to all the queues and the delegates then decide based on the messages whether to take any action. In other words, the user level delegates may subscribe to as many or all events and then take the appropriate action given the queue and the message and the state. This means there is a single user level delegate that can take different actions based on different rules. In such a delegate, there would be several successive conditional checks involved.
We say that the rules are encapsulated in a single user level delegate, this is wired to all the events raised. When the event is raised we have the queue information, the message that it was acting on and the state such as arrival, process begin, process complete, depart etc.
In the queue alerts module, if we take the approach that we select the messages and the queues and store the individual rules to map against, we have a different data structure altogether. Here we get all the messages in a delta sweep  that are of interest to the rule evaluation and their corresponding actions, So we store a copy of the messages and queues outside of the queue processor. The mapping between different sets of messages for different rules is the purpose of this data structure. As such we could use different lists for each of the rules.

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