Sunday, April 20, 2014

We will next look at some portability considerations and performance concerns with WinPCap. Porting of libpcap to winpcap was made easier because BPF and NPF have similar interfaces. There are some system calls in Unix that don't have a direct mapping to the winsock library and so these were written with windows dependent code. The porting resides mostly in the WPCap module. This as we discussed uses the packet module methods instead of the NPF. WinPCap has some differences from libPCap because of Windows dependent code. For example,  Win32 applications cannot use the select function on NPF device in order to know if there are packets that needs to be read so winpcap implements a new event.
To test the performance, two machines were used one as a sender and another as a receiver. The sender generates the traffic and the receiver captures the packets. The packets were made such that it would generate the maximum amount of  packets per second since this is the worst case for a network analyzer. Packet size of 88 bytes showed the maximum number of packets. The minimum packet size on Ethernet is 64 bytes. Ethernet load was full at packet size of 400 bytes.
Tests evaluated the performance of both sending process as well as filtering process. Packets are received by the network tap and checked by the filter. No packets are expected to match the filter so this utilizes the NPF as much as possible. Results show that windows flavors have similar behavior and almost all the packets are received and filtered by NPF.

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