Wednesday, April 9, 2014

We talk about a Splunk app today to read installation logs on a machine. The app monitors and targets installation logs. Optionally, it could try to detect when an application is being installed and turn on verbose logging. The application itself can be packaged in Wixsharp. Also, the application works on windows installer technologies and is to be implemented in C#.
In addition the application will send all classification of messages from these files to the Splunk server as events to be indexed. So it could  have a modular input for this machine.
As with the Octopus tool, this app could read different machines.
The Octopus tool is known for facilitating MSI installations on datacenter machines because it can do that consistently for any subset of the machines in the data center. It repeats the same process that it does on one machine with others as well.
Octopus also has a web interface. and this is convenient to choose the machines on which it deploys. For example, we can choose the package we want to deploy and the target machines and Octopus can deploy on all these machines. Should there be a need to change the configuration on the machines, they can be parameterized and passed to the application. This is very convenient.
The application could follow the same as what Octopus does in the sense that it reads from multiple machines and collects the data together with the hostname. The hostname has to be granular in that it should resolve to the physical machine in say a cluster. This kind of granularity is important because we want to associate the logs to the machines.
The application could also look for different levels of details such as whether there were errors in the logs, whether  there were registries altered, whether there were files touched, whether there were and settings changes, whether there were any custom actions, font files etc. A lot of the installations leave behind the log files and these are more handy than the installation information received from msiinv and msiinfo kind of tools. These tools can be run for any target machine to get information on the current state of all the applications and their installations. That also provides a valuable input for feeding events into the Splunk. The tools can be run at periodic intervals or on demand as well although the former is recommended and only the deltas may need to be fed into Splunk. 

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