Wednesday, April 2, 2014

We will now look at the proof of correctness for Prim algorithm. Prim's algorithm will produce different minimum spanning trees depending upon the edges chosen in ties between equal weight edges. In this algorithm, we compute the smallest edge extending the tree.
We begin by picking two vertices i and j  and an edge. We maintain a two dimensional data structure that maintains the endpoints of the edges. We also keep track of the mincost. for one of the remaining vertices, if there's no edge to either  i or j, we set the cost to -1, otherwise we add the edge.
 we proceed with the rest of the tree. We now look at a lemma. Let e be some minimum cost edge attached to vertex v.  The lemma states there is some spanning tree (min cost) that contains e (minimum cost) that contains e. We use this lemma in this way. We need not start tree with the smallest edge vertex. If edges are not connected to this vertex then we set the distances to maximum. So the only variation from the original algorithm is the initialization step. The complexity of this algorithm is that the outer loop runs O(n). Inside each iteration, the dominant cost is to scan these pairs (i, near(i) to find minimum. To improve the efficiency, we  need a data structure to keep track of near(i). the Red-Black tree is suitable for this need. It allows insert, finding minimum, deleting arbitrary value and searching arbitrary value each of these operations is of the order of logarithmic n. Its once for each edge n. we do nlogn operations to find min . if the edges are size m then we have mlogn operations to update near(). The total complexity is O(m+n)logn. If m is order of n ^2 where there are a lot of edges them r-b tree is not suitable. In summary, we have one  greedy implementation of min-cost spanning tree.
we will now look at the proof of correctness for this algorithm. We list two lemma.  We've listed the first one already.  This is where we say that when we pick a vertex v with a min cost edge e at v there is a min cost spanning tree containing it. The second lemma is that for the vertex v with a min cost edge e, the edge e is included in every min cost spanning tree. to prove the second lemma, we take a vertex v and say that there is a min cost tree t with no min cost edge for some v. we add edges to create a cycle. e and f are two edges to v. cost of edge e < cost of edge f. If we delete f, we restore the tree and we can show that the tree is a min cost spanning tree since everything is connected and it includes e which contradicts the assumption that the t we started out with is a min cost spanning tree.

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