Friday, March 13, 2020

Kubernetes application install on windows
Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services. It is often a strategic decision for any company because it decouples the application from the hosts so that the same application can work elsewhere with minimal disruption to its use.
Windows is the most common operating system software on personal workstations. Most Kubernetes deployments are on Linux flavor virtual machines for large scale deployments. The developer workstation is considered a small deployment.
The most convenient way to install Kubernetes on windows for hosting any application is with the help of software product called Minikube. This software provisions a dedicated Kubernetes cluster ideal for use in a small resource environment
It simplifies storage with the help of a storage class that refers to an abstraction on how data is persisted. It uses a storage provisioner called which unlike other storage provisioners does not require static configuration beforehand for hosted applications to be able to persist files. All request for persisting files are honored dynamically as and when they are required. It stores the data from the applications on the host itself unlike nfs-client-provisioner which provisions on a remote storage.
It simplifies networking with the help of dual network adapters that let’s the cluster provide connectivity with the host and for the outside world which let’s the application appear as if it is on a traditional deployment that is reachable on the internet. The network adapter with the host provides ability to seamlessly port-forward for services deployed to pods with external cluster-ip address.
Together the storage and networking convenience makes application portability easy. Minikube also his calls forcomes with its own docker runtime and kubectl toolset that makes it easy to provide the software to run on the cluster.
These help with the convenience to host any application on Kubernetes over windows in a resource constrained environment

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