Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Minikube Tunnel creates a route to services deployed with type LoadBalancer and sets their ingress to be cluster ip
We can also create an ingress resource with nginx-ingress-controller. The resource has an ip address mentioned that can be reached from host. The /etc/hosts file on the host must specify this ip address and the corresponding host specified in the ingress resource.
There is no support mentioned in the docs for replacing the network adapter with a bridged network even though that might solve external connectivity for the minikube cluster.
The Kubernetes ingress is a resource that can help with load balancing. It provides an external endpoint to the cluster and usually has a backend to which it forwards traffic. This makes it work as a SSL termination endpoint and name based virtual hosting.
An ingress controller controls the traffic into the Kubernetes cluster. Typically, this is done with the help of nginx. An Ingress-nginx controller can be configured to use the certificate.
Nginx provides the option to specify a –default-ssl-certificate.  The default certificate is used as a catch-all for all traffic into the server. Nginx also provides a –enable-ssl-passthrough feature This bypasses the nginx and the controller instead pipes it forward and backward between the client and backend. If the virtual domain cannot be resolved, it passes to the default backend.
This calls for two steps required to secure the ingress controller
1) Use a library such as cert-manager to generate keys and certificates.
2) Use the generated key and certificates as Kubernetes secrets and generate the key certificate parts whose location is specified in the SSL configuration of the application.

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