Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The programmatic way of writing a custom resource definition allows us to do a little bit more than the declarations. It lets us introuduce dynamic behavior. We do this by calling the methods from the client-go package for create, update and delete of the resource to use with Kubernetes API server. These methods are referred to as the ‘clientset’ because they use the corresponding methods from the Kubernetes apiextensions library. We connect to the API server from within the cluster using InClusterConfig method from the package. So far all of these methods are just calls with appropriate parameter and checks of return values.

With the example involving backup of user data, we have shown that the packing and unpacking of an archive can be described with a custom resource called Backup. This resource can then be scoped to the corresponding resource for whom the backup makes sense. The availability of the custom resource implies that we can use K8S API and CLI to request it.

Why is the scope and purpose of this custom resource for an archive important? It helps the users’ data to be packaged from project to project regardless of what it comprises of and where it is stored – file, blob, stream. This portability of data independent from the logic and the platform improves mobility and productivity for the end-user.
Storage products become popular as a sink as well as a staging in the data pipeline. The platform for a storage product facilitates all aspects of the data manageability both at rest as well as in transit. Yet there is no tagging or labeling of data that allows the storage product to hand out data corresponding to the user of the overall system involving the product.
The only way to handle or associate data from a particular user is with the upstream system that recognizes the user. Since Kubernetes provides a way to recognize the user and the actions for the create, update or delete of resources, it is well-positioned to handle this segregation of data for packing and unpacking purposes.

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