Sunday, March 15, 2020

We were discussing Minikube applications and the steps taken for allowing connectivity to the applications.
The technique to allow external access to the application hosted on Minikube is port-forwarding. If the application is hosted on http and https both, then a set of ports can be opened on the host to send traffic to and from the application.
On Windows we take extra precautions in handling betwork traffic. The default firewall settings may prevent access to these ports. A new set of inbound and outbound rules must be specified for the new ports on the host.  A set of inbound and outbound rules need to be written to allow access to each port.
Redirects continue to operate as before because all available endpoints will have port-forwarding. The web address itself does not need to be translated to have the localhost and host port to be included as long as the application is the same point of origin.
The other option aside from port forwarding is to ask the minikube to expose the service. This option provides another Kubernetes service with an ip address and port as its own url. This url can then be accessed from the host. There is no direct external network ip connectivity over the NAT without using static ip addressing. That said, Minikube does provide an option for tunneling.
Tunnel creates a route to services deployed with type LoadBalancer and sets their ingress to be cluster ip
We can also create an ingress resource with nginx-ingress-controller. The resource has an ip address mentioned that can be reached from host. The /etc/hosts file on the host must specify this ip address and the corresponding host specified in the ingress resource. 

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