Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Kubernetes ingress is a resource that can help with load balancing. It provides an external endpoint to the cluster and usually has a backend to which it forwards traffic. This makes it work as a SSL termination endpoint and name based virtual hosting.
An ingress controller controls the traffic into the Kubernetes cluster. Typically, this is done with the help of nginx. An Ingress-nginx controller can be configured to use the certificate.
Nginx provides the option to specify a –default-ssl-certificate.  The default certificate is used as a catch-all for all traffic into the server. Nginx also provides a –enable-ssl-passthrough feature This bypasses the nginx and the controller instead pipes it forward and backward between the client and backend. If the virtual domain cannot be resolved, it passes to the default backend.
This calls for two steps required to secure the ingress controller
1) Use a library such as cert-manager to generate keys and certificates.
2) Use the generated key and certificates as Kubernetes secrets and generate the key certificate parts whose location is specified in the SSL configuration of the application.
The TLS port usually on 443 or 8443 can also be port-forwarded to the host and thereby the rest of the clients on the host external network. The ingress in an SSL termination point and the host can use an SSL proxy or any technique suitable to relay the traffic to the ingress.
This does not affect a registry for image pulling. Any access to images on registries such as docker, gcr, or AWS is outbound from the kube cluster. We have already established outbound connectivity from the pods using well known Nameservers and gateway added through the master which goes through the host visible network and to the external world. There are two techniques possible here.
First, we can provide an insecure registry that is internal and private to the cluster. This registry has no images to begin with and all images can be subsequently uploaded to the registry. It helps us create a manifest of images required to host the application on the cluster and it provides us the ability to use non-tls registry
Second, we can use credentials with one or more external registries as add on because the outbound request for pulling an image can Minikube provides addons to configure these credentials by referring to them as “registry-creds" Each external registry can accept the path for a credentials file usually in json format which will help configure the registry.
Together these options allow all images to be made available inside the cluster so that containers can be spun up on the cluster to host the application.

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