Tuesday, March 31, 2020

There are a few advantages to using manifests and charts with custom resources that are self-contained as opposed to those that are provisioned external to the Kubernetes infrastructure via service brokers. When the charts are self-contained, they are completely within the Kubernetes system and accessible for create, update and delete via the kubectl. The kube-apiserver and the operators can take care of the state reconciliation and the system becomes the source of truth. This is not the case with external resources which can have varying degrees of deviation from truth depending on the external service provider.
Resources that are provisioned by service broker can also be kustomized. The charts for these resources are oblivious to the provisioners. It’s the kube-apiserver that determines high provisioners are to be tapped for a resource. This is looked up in the service catalog. The biding between the catalog and the provisioner is a loose one. They can get out of sync but the catalog guarantees a global registry. The manifest and charts work well to describe and define these externally provisioned custom resources
The resources that are provisioned externally have their own data management systems since they are external services and are responsible for the data they store in the system. This data can also be exported if the external service provides an option. The Kubernetes resource can then merely include a resource identifier or a uri for the data associated with the external resource. In such a case, the resource becomes exclusively control plane only.
There is a size limit to the self-contained Kubernetes resource. We can only embed Kubernetes secret in them.  We cannot embed arbitrary byte ranges in Kubernetes resources. That would not be appropriate since it’s a resource for handling in the control plane. Any tar ball of data should be downloadable via a URI from its respective service. This keeps the concerns between control plane and data plane separate.   It is also easy on the Kube-api server while delegating the sync between the custom resource and external service providers to be separate.
The size and the separation of concerns between the kubectl resource and its associated data does not stop with the external service and the kube-api server. The binding between the resource and the external service is managed with the help of a service catalog which lets services to be hosted outside the cluster. It adheres to OSBA api. It allows services to be independent and scaleable. It allows services to define their own resources.

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