Sunday, January 26, 2014

In this post, we will continue the discussion on AWS. The AWS cloud services platform consists of Database, Storage and CDN, Cross service, Analytics, Compute and networking, Deployment and management services and Application Services.
The AWS global physical infrastructure consists of geographical regions, availability zones and edge locations.
The databases offered by AWS include DynamoDB which is a predictable and scalable NoSQL store, an ElastiCache  which is an in-memory cache. an RDS which is a managed relational database and a RedShift which is a managed PetaByte scale data warehouse. The Storage and CDN consist of S3 which is a scalable storage in the cloud, an EBS which is a network attached block device, a CloudFront which is a global content delivery network, a Glacier which is an archive storage in the cloud, a Storage gateway which integrates on-premises IT with cloud storage and  an Import Export which ships large dataset.
The cross-service includes Support, Marketplace which is to buy and sell software apps,  ManagementConsole a UI to manage AWS services, SDKs, IDEKits and CLIs. Analytics include the Elastic MapReduce which is a popular managed Hadoop framework. Kinesis, which is a real-time data processing and Data pipeline which is an orchestration for data driven workflows.
The compute and networking include EC2 - the most popular way to access the large array of virtual servers directly including remote desktop with admin access, VPC which is a virtual private network based on NAT or ipv6 fencing, ELB which is a load balancing service, Workspace which is a virtual desktop in the cloud, AutoScaling which is automatically scale up and down, DirectConnect dedicated network connection to AWS and Route 53 which is a scalable domain name system.
The deployment and management services include CloudFormation which is a templated AWS resource creation, CloudWatch which is a resource and application monitoring, Elastic Beanstalk which is an AWS application container, IAM which is a secure AWS access control, CloudTrail which is a User activity logging, OpsWorks which is a DevOps Application Manangement service and CloudHSM which is a hardware based key storage for compliance.

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