Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This continues on our discussion to improve SQL Server performance with normalizing logical database design, using efficient index design and using efficient query.
 The next step is to use efficient application design. The role that application design plays is critical because clients control the queries, the type of queries and when they are submitted and how the results are processed. This affects the type and duration of the locks, the amount of I/O and CPU load on the server and whether the performance is good or bad.
For this reason, the sooner we correct the application design, the better the performance. At the same time, even for turnkey applications, improvements to performance cannot be done in all cases without changing the application. Queries from clients are often referred to as workloads.
Workloads can use small results sets. This will reduce CPU and I/O load.
Applications should allow cancellation of a query in progress. No application should force reboot.
Applications should process all results to completion.
Always implement a query timeout. Do not allow queries to run indefinitely
Do not use generated SQL unless you have control over the statements or transparency. Query cancellation, query timeout and complete transactional control are still required from such.
Decision support and OLTP queries should be separated as much as possible.
Do not allow orphaned connections.
Use trace feature wherever possible. Isolate the slow query wherever possible.
After the slow query is isolated, do the following:
run it in isolation with minimal buffering and I/O redirection.
set statistics IO on to examine IO consumed by the query.
If the query is nested or wrapped in a stored procedure, extract it.
If there are triggers on the table that can generate I/O when run, silence them
Examine the indexes of the table used by the slow query.
Using the queries previously mentioned, examine the data uniqueness and distribution for each column.
Based on this study, make changes to application, query and index as appropriate. Run the query again to see the improvement.

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