Sunday, January 12, 2014

We looked at a Node.js backbone solution from the book JumpStart Node.js. The book continues with an example for a real-time trades appearing in the browser. Here we add a function to store the exchange data every time it changes. The first task is to store the data, then its transformed and sent to the client.
Instead of transmitting the entire data, it is transformed. When the client makes the initial request, we transmit this data. Client side filters could change. Hence its better to use templates.  We can use JQuery's get function to retrieve the template and send an initial 'requestData' message to the server so that the initial data can be sent.
As before, we use the initialize to call render function. We iterate through all the models and render each row individually with a separate view for the real-time trades. With the static template, this is now easier to render than when string was used.  With the data loaded, its easier to handle just the updates with a separate method.
Heroku can be used to deploy the Node.Js application.
Express.js supports both production and development settings. One  of the differences between the two is the settings that handle errors. In development, we want as much error information as possible while in production we lock it down.
We also provide a catchall handling any request not processed by prior routes. 
When it comes to hosting the application, there are several options available - such as IaaS, PaaS, or Amazon's EC2. However, the cost of all this convenience is the loss of control. In general, this is not a problem and the convenience is far worth it.
For those choosing to deploy on either a dedicated server or EC2, it is better to use an option that frequently restarts the application upon any crash or file change. A node-supervisor helps in this regard but for production it is better to use the package forever since it has minimal overhead.
Version control and Heroku deployment should go together in order that we can do rollbacks on unstable change. With incremental changes, 'git push heroku master' could then become a habit.
We did not cover Socket.IO and


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