Monday, January 20, 2014

In Teradata, the SQL Syntax is very similar to anywhere else. For example, the TOP command can be used with OrderBy. The TOP WITH TIES can be used to see the ties together. This is the same as Rank or denserank operation.  However, in Teradata, top cannot be used with distinct and qualify, with and with by and sample.  By the way, GroupBy is preferred over distinct for the queries which return same results. This is because Distinct skews data where as groupby is faster.
Also note that when using where clauses, it is preferable to specify IS NULL or IS NOT NULL explicitly. This is particularly true when testing for the exclusion of some column values in the result set.  Paranthesis in Where clause can be used to change the order of precedence. The IN and NOT IN operators can also help with inclusion and exclusion. Note that the NOT=ALL works just like NOT IN operator.
The IN list is an excellent way to look up multiple column values. BETWEEN is inclusive and BETWEEN works for character data. LIKE can be used for string comparision. It can take % and _ as wildcard characters. Like, Like all and Like any can be used in conjunction with conditions.
Data Manipulation commands are also similar. For example we can give INSERT INTO My_Table (Column1, Column2) VALUES (124.56, 'My character data')
Bulk Insert is done with say INSERT INTO My_Table SELECT(Column1, SUM(Column2)) FROM Original_Table GROUP BY Column1
Update is done with say, UPDATE My_Table set column2  = column2 + 256 WHERE column1 = ' my data'
Fast path updates can be done with INSERT INTO My_Table_Copy SELECT Column1, Column6*1.05 FROM My_Table.
MERGE INTO Employee_Table USING VALUES(200000, NULL, 'Jones') AS E(Emp, Dept, Las)
ON Employee_No = Emp
UPDATE set salary = sal
INSERT VALUES(Emp, dep, las); 

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