Thursday, November 14, 2019

This is a continuation of the earlier posts to enumerate funny aspects of software engineering practice:
360) Build a product for different flavors of operating systems or cloud computing and find the developers struggle to keep their skills up to date on each flavor.
361) Build a product and realize it has to be modified for each and every platform on which it is run.
362) Build a product and which grows significantly and then retrofit adapters to different technologies.
363) Build a product and find a number of clients requiring customizations that ends up forming an infrastructure layer facing the clients
364) Build a product that proliferates layers and components as business expands only to have them shrink and adjust afterwards.
365) Build a product that makes it a challenge to reverse engineer
366) Build a product that reduces the surface area for foreign software to operate within its trust boundary
367) Build a product that lets it easy for applications to work inside the most stringent requirements customer sites
368) Build a product where the product cannot be remote accessed for troubleshooting due to customer -imposed restrictions
369) Build a product that makes it easy to diagnose issues or make remedies by flipping on or off configurations
370) Build a product that gets a thumbs up from production support.
371) Build a product that makes it easy to add storage and find prolific use of storage by users.
372) Build a product that makes it easy for users to complete workflows with fewer checks and find that users tend to experiment rather than let the workflow guide them
373) Build a product that makes workflows too convoluted and users tend to use it only for partial completion
374) Build a product where users can create their own workflows and it becomes popular with audience that like user friendly designer software like tools
375) Build a product with little or no composition to workflows and users tend to write several clones of customized workflows
376) Build a product with the ability to support live debugging and it become popular for development environments
377) Build a product with lots of levers and the dashboard looks intimidating
378) Build a product with fewer levers and find the customers unhappy
379) Build a product where you let the users create their own panels for levers and they hardly do it
380) Build a product with thought through dashboard and find the users gravitating to the page

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