Saturday, November 2, 2019

This is a continuation of the earlier posts to enumerate funny aspects of software engineering practice:
260) Build a product that does not send out reminders
261) Build a product that gives all resources on lease forcing users to come back.
262) Build a product that does not release reclaim resources when the users have marked it for delete forcing them to take the steps themselves
263) Build a product that does not give the user to delete resources in bulk
264) Build a product that makes it onerous on the user to click through confirmations
265) Build a product that let’s hackers hijack user sessions
266) Build a product that is purportedly safe only to find the maker violating privacy laws
267) Build a product where the competition drives product features
268) Build a product where the release timeline is primarily motivated by competitors
269) Build a product where massive parallelizing of feature development implies human resources find their activities randomized throughout the week
270) Build a product where the end users trust the product only to be told by hackers and researchers that it is not good enough
271) Build a product where the base line edition tantalizes the developers and the pricey edition purchase is delayed.
272) Build a product where the price of the top line spurns away some of the potential buyers
273) Build a product where the full-service solution it provides makes the customers feel like pampered.
274) Build a product where the revenue generation comes from end-user licenses sold rather than pay per use or vice versa and the company makes more money than the customers are aware
275) Build a product where the key-secrets need to be rotated but cannot be kept safe externally
276) Build a product that requires elaborate setup but find little utilization of most of the components
277) Build a product that advertises as a plug and play but doesn’t work with half the platforms
278) Build a product where the error code and error message leave the customer longing for divine intervention
279) Build a product where the mashup of technologies makes the product clunky to operate
280) Build a product where the state is stored in some form of file system or database only to find that they can be compromised in most deployments.

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